Saturday, March 11, 2006

Gift Giving Guide, Part 1

So are chocolate and flowers out? No, I don't think so. They will never be out, but they may need a little help to stop them from being the old safe boring gift.

You want to impress and not be boring? Try this: Get that special someone a box of chocolates, but open the box. Take out every other candy and, in its place, insert a prophylactic. That's right, stick a rubber right in there. I guarantee you won't get a blasé "thank you" out of this one! Plus, you get to eat half the candy so everyone wins!

And if you really want to get extra fancy, insert a chocolate flavored rubber like these:

As for the flowers, just give them along with the chocolate. Don't spend a lot of money on these, though, as the box of love will be the main attraction.

More gift giving advice to come!

1 comment:

Love Expert said...

It may be hilarious, but it's also effective! Be honest, you'd love it if you're man gave you a box like that, wouldn't you?

BTW, is that really a picture of you? Damn, girl! You're hot! I'd give you a stack of my love cards if I saw you! I'd even throw one of my special ones that shows ALL of me.

Oh, thanks for your comment. Please visit often!