Monday, February 27, 2006

Dare 2 Care

Communication is the key, people! How can someone know that you wanna hook up if they don't even know what your intentions are, or for that matter, even know you? I know some people are against this, but you must make yourself known. Here's how: STARE!

I know some people say that this is rude, but it really isn't. Women are attention whores. They love it when men (or other dykes) stare at their bulging bulges. Why else would they push them up, wear see-through clothes, and squeeze into ridiculously tight clothing? Why? I'll tell you why: they love it!

So show them that you care and stare. That's right, make it known that you've got a bone... and would like to share. Some may give you a dirty look, but trust me: they don't mean it! And when you stare, be polite and make it obvious. Look them up, down and around.

So follow my one of many mottos: Dare to care and stare!


Anonymous said...

are u sure bout this? i don't think this will work.

Anonymous said...

It is really funny that you would write this because it works. It sounds weird but i stare a lot and get a lot of tail. This works!

Love Expert said...

Of course it works! I'm not just making this stuff up. All of my diamond tips are guaranteed. Glad this one got you laid!

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious!!!! two very enthusiastic thumbs up :D